Friday, May 20, 2011

Por qué, por qué, por qué?

Despite the fear of sounding as whiny as Real Madrid's coach Mourinho, let me just vent here a minute.

Why do they ALWAYS put me in hospital rooms with old ladies who snore like HELL!? I mean, no disrespect, but I can't fucking sleep. And I need to sleep. The doctors are planning on waking me up at 6 a.m., that is, in 3 hours, for my 2nd day of intensive chemo regimen and give me Ifosfamide (the I in the ICE aka the cherry on top of the cake) through the vein for 24 hours. I have already been warned that it's going to get nasty.

On a positive note: the passing day was a success.I had the IV drip of carboplatin only for a half an hour, and thanks to 7 different anti-nausea drugs, I had no side effects whatsoever. These nurses know their shit, fo'sho!

1 comment:

  1. Argh. Old ladies also smell "funny". Kyllä ne vois sulle oman huoneen antaa. Varsinkin jos ne meinaa 24h sua kiusata!
