Sunday, October 31, 2010

Shave for the Brave!

Oh yes. I've  finally managed to shave off my hair! It was looking so horrible and dry so I decided it was time to let bygones be bygones and get rid of what was left.


  1. olé, guapa!! ya crecerá!
    mil besos. te veo prontito!!!!!!!!

  2. Moi Laura,

    I'm still in shock after learning the whole thing. Se me ha hecho un nudo en el estómago. Por lo que veo, pronto pasarás página.
    Siempre has demostrado ser una gran luchadora y siempre has puesto mucho empeño en conseguir tus objetivos. this one is your last round and you've already won!
    I've always believed in Monty Phyton's piece of advice: look on the right side of life. La energía positiva que recibe el cerebro ayuda a sanar el cuerpo. Segueix lluitant, estima't i estima el que encara et falta per veure. I'm sending u my best wishes for a speedy total recovery. Tots els bons pensaments i intencions sumen:)

    com diu la teva amiga...el cabell creix! ¡es lo de menos!

    Una abraçada i ànims


    Eva (dark k.)

  3. Rohkea veto, kieltämättä! Kram. :)

  4. Moi mukkulat! You are so brave Lau!!!
    It will definitely grow out again - plus, it's cool to have tried the shavyness of head - smooth and round like the balls of your feet. Hehe. The many big earrings to match the style! It rocks!!!

    See you next week - I have a surprise for you!! It's more an experience than a material gift. You'll see. It includes moving the balls of our feet - yes, it is indeed a little excursion.


  5. some thoughts on this:

    1. do you think it will grow out white and/or curly? you know this can happen. at least i heard...

    2. do you now feel closer to s(k)in(h)ead o'connor? (sorry, just couldn't resist this one, it was bad... very very bad...)

    lauli, it will grow back, you rock - a lot.

    besos grandes!!!


  6. thank you again girls for all your encouraging comments!!! you have no idea how much they mean to me. lots of love, lau.

    p.s. ui lucy...i really hope it won't be white. i'm not in my thirties even. crikey! :D

