Saturday, June 26, 2010


3rd June 2010: I'm on a plane to Finland. My fear of flying has suddenly disappeared and I'm taking pictures of the landing. Unheard of.

4th June 2010: My first visit to the Hospital in Helsinki ( I get a lump in my throat (no pun intended) just by seeing a sign "CANCER PATIENTS". Is that me? Do I have to go through that door? The nurse hands me a paper and says: "this is the only thing that matters now. The rest is unimportant". It's a sort of calendar with all the tests that have to be run the following days.

7th June 2010: CAT scan. I have to drink about 4 litres iodine water which tastes disgusting. In the exam room they also introduce iodine intravenously. The nurse kindly explains that first I'll feel an iron taste in my mouth, then a strange feeling as though my organs were on fire, and last but not least, a sensation as if I had peed in my pants. Fun, huh? All through the procedure, I feel completely separated from my body, like this were something they were doing to a doll. My personality is not present.

The following days two more tests are being carried out. A biopsy (an experience I'd rather not remember, since the anaesthesia lost its effect when the needle was still inside my neck) and a PET scan. The PET scan is harmless (despite the fact that the liquid they put in your body is radioactive, what the fuck?). It's time consuming, though. They tell you to lie down for about an hour, but you can't move. It's forbidden to even read since it would mean that you'd have to raise your arms.

Anyway, I'm done with the pinching and probing for now. The real battle is ready to begin. Tuesday 29th June. First session of chemotherapy. Oh dear.


  1. Laura!!! Creo que es esta una buena idea de expulsar "tus fantasmas" mientras pasas este proceso y, cuando estés bien, tendrás un pequeño diario de estos extraños dias, de los cuales te reirás, como siempre :)
    Me gusta como está escrito, al final hasta debes tener un talento para escribir. Quizás podrías dejar de ver tantas series y comer regaliz y escribir algún tipo de libro!. Suerte que está en inglés, que de alguna forma me llega un poco menos (es que estos temas me ponen malo)
    En fin,,muchísimos ánimos para el primer dia, que eso no es ná!! :D
    Un besoo!

  2. Dani!!! Regaliz, mmmmmmm.
    Merci por el feed-back positivo, esto de escribir blogs es algo muy nuevo para mí. Mil gracias también por todo el apoyo. Estaré mirando el Mundial España-Portugal enchufada a máquinas en el hospital, pero bueno, a ver si consigo que las enfermeras me traigan unos Voll-Damms para acompañar el partido.


  3. Jajaja,,Voll-Damms,,,por intentarlo!! Por pedir, que te pongan un barril al lado,así, en plan cómodo,,
    Que disfrutes del fútbol (debe ser la primera vez que digo esto, no soporto ese deporte, como ya sabrás,,,muuawhahaha!)


  4. Hola Lau,

    Me parece muy buena idea este blog, tu testimonio es desgarrador y poetico a la vez, escribes muy bien y eres muy valiente.

    Espero que te haya ido muy bien en tu primer día y que hayas conseguido que ten Voll-damms..!

    Mucho animo....y si el gobierno no te da Meri, Meri, te la enviamos desde España ; )

    Muchos besos!


  5. Je je. Muchas gracias, Laura! Besos!
