Monday, September 27, 2010

Enough Is Enough

So, this is what happened. On Friday morning at 7.30 my brother drove me to the hospital for another blood test and chemo session. I'd been eating shiitake mushrooms like it was going out of fashion all through Thursday evening (I had read somewhere that they raise leukocytes – hey, whatever works, I'm willing to give it a shot!), in the hope for better blood results.

The hard work paid off. I was seated as usual on the hospital bed and hooked on the machine. This time the nurse had great difficulties in finding a vein that would work and had to pinch me several times. It really hurt. She said my veins were becoming hard and cloggy. No shit, Sherlock!

The smell of the plastic got the better of me this time. Halfway through the treatment, I started to feel sick. I hurried to the toilet, dragging the intravenous machine behind me with the plastic tube hanging from my arm. While sitting on the bathroom floor - the tubes entangled, the fucking machine going crazy and beeping, me vomiting my guts out, tears and snot falling all over my face - only one thought came to my mind:

”Laura, if you were to think about your life and the worst thing that has ever happened to you, THIS would be it. It can't get any worse than this. Now, you've really hit rock bottom.”

And however silly it may sound, thinking that gave me comfort. There I was, alone, locked inside of a hospital toilet, laughing and looking at myself, contemplating the sorry state I was in, and repeating, "if I can get through this, I can get through anything".

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Bad News

My bone marrow has stopped collaborating. The nurse from the cancer clinic called and told me that due to my extremely low white blood cell count, it would impossible for them to give me the treatment tomorrow. Doctor's orders. In addition, she kindly explained that from now on, I'd have to start taking Neupogen, a medicine (needle in the stomach) which helps raise the leucocytes. Nice. Now I have two syringes per day. I also asked about the lump that had reappeared above my clavicle and was told that it was most likely swollen because of the cold I had last week, but that it needed to be looked into anyway. On 11th October, hence, they're going to carry out a CT scan.

I can't believe this is happening. Everything was going so great so far.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Remember that little lump that started all of this craziness? Well, it's back. Yes, you read correctly. It reappeared above my clavicle again a couple of days ago, and stares at me defiantly every time I look into the mirror. Why why why?! What does this mean? I'm tempted to look at Wikipedia, but at the same time too scared to do so.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

What If...

I'm half way through! On Thursday 23rd September - they've changed my chemo day from Tuesday to Thursday - I'll be having my seventh session out of twelve. Seventh!

I wonder what would happen if I decided to stop my treatment after that and not continue all the way. If I just walked out while I still have eyebrows. Who knows, I might be fine. I mean, after all, all the cancer cells have vanished. I'm so impatient to get my life back that I keep toying with the idea.

But it would be foolish to take the risk and I'm no quitter anyway. Besides, freedom wiIl taste sweeter and all the more worthwhile after having completed (with honours!) all the sessions. At the moment, I realize, this is something I can't escape any more than I can lose my shadow.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Top Ten Reasons to Date a Cancer Chick

I found this on a website while surfing for info on Hodgkin's and thought it was funny.

10. I’m a cheap date - probably won't be eating much.

9. No need to take me to expensive restaurants because, if I do eat, it will probably come right back up.

8. I can be ready in a jiffy - only have to wash crevices.

7. Recreational drugs are paid for by insurance.

6. Commitment-phobic? I'm your dream girl.

5. Great in the sack. (That one would have made the list either way, but really more so now because I'll often already BE in the sack!)

4. You'll always be the pretty one.

3. Strangers will think you're really special and extra compassionate.

2. You will get first dibs on all my possessions, and since I'm shopping to cover my fear, you'll come out waaay ahead.

1. With all my wigs, I'll be a different girl every night.