Thursday, September 9, 2010

Top Ten Reasons to Date a Cancer Chick

I found this on a website while surfing for info on Hodgkin's and thought it was funny.

10. I’m a cheap date - probably won't be eating much.

9. No need to take me to expensive restaurants because, if I do eat, it will probably come right back up.

8. I can be ready in a jiffy - only have to wash crevices.

7. Recreational drugs are paid for by insurance.

6. Commitment-phobic? I'm your dream girl.

5. Great in the sack. (That one would have made the list either way, but really more so now because I'll often already BE in the sack!)

4. You'll always be the pretty one.

3. Strangers will think you're really special and extra compassionate.

2. You will get first dibs on all my possessions, and since I'm shopping to cover my fear, you'll come out waaay ahead.

1. With all my wigs, I'll be a different girl every night.