Thursday, July 7, 2011


I have good news to tell you. The PET scan came back negative! I've got a NED as in No Evidence of Disease. I am therefore in remission now and utterly thankful to ICE for doing such a wonderful job at eradicating my Hodgkin's cells.

This is far from over though.

Since my disease seems to be of the sneaky kind and likes to mutate and make itself resistant to chemotherapy, there is a huge risk that it'll come back if they don't perform the stem cell transplant (SCT). I am hence back in hospital, getting treatment again. This time around Cyclophosphamide is going to kick my butt and at the same time mobilize my stem cells.

Instead of explaining in detail the long-winded process of what the SCT entails, I'll be posting a rough-sketched timetable soon. All in all, my doctors are talking about a two-month process. I can deal with that. I'm willing to sacrifice this summer. This is my best shot at getting well.


  1. JJEEE, tosi hienoja uutisia :) Ihan huippua, nyt vaan megatykkiä niille syöpäsoluille. Olipa kyllä hienoja uutisia, nyt peukut pystyyn entistä enemmän.


  2. How-di-ho, Miss Flanders! Congrats once again! I'll be counting the days with you! Besitos, besitos, besitos!


    P.S. One less to go, good night!
