Sunday, August 1, 2010

Keeping Busy

Dear August. This is my timetable for you.

9th: Bloodwork

10th: Chemo 4

18th: PET scan

23rd: Bloodwork and Doctor's appointment (results of PET)

24th: Chemo 5


  1. you forgot one thing... well, actually you forgot two...

  2. Dani: thanks for the thumbs up! pronto tendremos que empezar a comentar los capítulos de weeds. oh gaaaawd, how i love nancy and CELIA!! woow!

    Lu: yup, indeed I did, indeed I did. heh heh. as the saying goes - or is there such a saying, maybe i'm just making it up?!? - the most important things one guards to oneself. (note the usage of jane austen's english: i know it rocks your socks!)

  3. oh, but it does! it was most thougthful of you, i am greately amused. welcome over the nineteenth century threshold, dear!

  4. "threshold" is such a cool word...i love to pronounce it - oh yeah, i'm a total nerd.

  5. Yep! It's time to drink some diet coke and kick the celia's ass!


  6. 7th: Party in Turku ;D

  7. Feliz cumple dear Lau!! A package is on its way over to Suomi, keep your eyes open...

    Besitos and enjoy this special day of yours!!

  8. Anonymous: Who are ya? Hehe. Yes, party it is!!

    Barbi: Ooooh, you shouldn't have! How wonderful! If there's anything you want from Finland e.g. rågbröd eller lax eller nya potatis...just lemme know, mmmkay? Besos!

  9. Lau, all I want from Scandinavia is you!! ;)

  10. oooohhh...i'll be back before you know it! :D
