Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Some Random Thoughts

The chemo fills the body with liquids. It is hence inevitable that at some point of the treatment during those three hours, one has to go to the toilet. It takes time getting used to walking with the intravenous machine. The tubes move out of place easily, and if they do, the drug can get into the tissue instead of the bloodstream, and that would be bad news. Passing along the corridor, you realize that the people you see are from all walks of life, no different from the people you'd meet waiting in a queue in a bank: A young businessman in a suit, with patches of hair missing, an elegant elderly lady with a wig, a young girl with a scarf tied around her head. We're the same as all the rest, but yet here we are, a bit like robots, hovering around the hospital, hooked on our machines which provide us the cure, the stuff of life.

1 comment:

  1. Inför vissa av livets utmaningar och svängar har vi alla precis samma utgångsläge. Tack och lov får man väl säga. En jaksa försökata skriva på finska... Vi ses på fredagen! Kram Laura.
